• "Men's sperm counts have dropped more than 50 percent in Western countries"

  • "Sperm count is one of the first metrics that fertility specialists measure to try to determine the cause of infertility in a couple"

  • "It affects about one in every six couples, and researchers estimate about one in every three cases is due to fertility problems in the male partner alone"

  • "We have seriously under-invested in male reproductive research"

  • 1. Collect sample

    Collect semen sample in the cup provided - leave for 60 mins

  • 2. Draw 0.1mm into syringe

    Fill the Semen transfer device up to 0.1 ml indicated on the device with the semen sample

  • 3. Add sample to Solution

    The semen sample is then added to the tube of sample dilution buffer provided

  • 4. Mix solution well

    Mix the semen sample and sample dilution buffer by turning the tube upside down 5-10 times

  • 5. Add 2 drops to test

    Invert the diluted specimen buffer tube and transfer 2 full drops of the diluted specimen (approximately 80 μL) to the specimen well (marked S) of the test cassette

  • 6. View results at 5 minutes

    Read results at 5 minutes after dispensing the specimen. Do not read results after 10 minutes


Can this test check my vasectomy was successful?

Indeed, it can. This test indicates whether you are fertile or infertile.

Is it possible for abnormal results to indicate an inability to conceive?

Sperm concentration is just one aspect of a comprehensive semen analysis. It's crucial to take into account other factors, such as motility, when interpreting the results. Hence, it is highly advisable to consider additional methods when dealing with abnormal outcomes.

What are the factors that can lead to inaccurate test results?

Erroneous test results can occur due to errors or oversights at any stage, ranging from sample collection to timing of the test or even non-compliance with abstinence guidelines.

What is the accuracy of the SpermScan SP-10 Test?

Relative Sensitivity: 98.1% (95%CI*:89.7%-99.9%)
Relative Specificity: 98.3% (95%CI*: 91.1%-99.9%)
Overall Accuracy: 98.2% (95%CI*: 93.7%-99.8%)

Overall Accuracy: 98.2%

Do I have to send my test off?

Negative. The presentation of all outcomes occur precisely 5 minutes after the application of the solution to the test.

Is the service discreet?

Absolutely. Every package is delivered in unbranded hard-backed envelopes for maximum privacy. The tests have been carefully designed to effortlessly fit through your letterbox.

How do you send the tests?

The Royal Mail 1st Class is our preferred delivery option for all UK orders, ensuring fast and reliable delivery within one working day.

Our global orders are delivered through the fast and efficient large letter express service.

Is your test CE certified?

Yes, the SP-10 rapid male fertility test is CE certified.

How to use the SpermScan SP-10 Test?

1. Collect sample

Collect semen sample in the cup provided - leave for 60 mins

2. Draw 0.1mm into syringe

Fill the Semen transfer device up to 0.1 ml indicated on the device with the semen sample

3. Add sample to Solution

The semen sample is then added to the tube of sample dilution buffer provided

4. Mix solution well

Mix the semen sample and sample dilution buffer by turning the tube upside down 5-10 times

5. Add 2 drops to test

Invert the diluted specimen buffer tube and transfer 2 full drops of the diluted specimen (approximately 80 μL) to the specimen well (marked S) of the test cassette

6. View results at 5 minutes

Read results at 5 minutes after dispensing the specimen. Do not read results after 10 minutes

If you have an queries on how to use the test, please do not hesitate to contact us

How often should I take a test?

According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), the tests should be conducted at least seven days apart and over the course of two to three months. Sperm counts can vary on a daily basis.


Opting for our home sperm testing kits over clinical tests can be a smart move in terms of cost-effectiveness. Our kits offer an initial assessment, assisting individuals in determining whether further medical evaluation is necessary.


Individuals or couples may find it preferable to test their fertility in the comfort and privacy of their own home rather than going to a medical facility. Home sperm testing kits offer a discreet and convenient solution for assessing fertility.


Obtaining results without the need for a doctor's appointment or laboratory visit is made simple and efficient with sperm testing kits. This is especially beneficial for individuals who are busy or have limited availability.

Monitoring Progress

Individuals undergoing fertility treatments or making lifestyle changes to improve fertility may use sperm testing kits to monitor their progress and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

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